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Blog » Why do Rose prices go up at Valentine's?

Why do Rose prices go up at Valentine's?


Why do Valentines Rosescost more?

Every yearwe hear complaints about the cost of flowers on Valentines Day. Let’s look atsome the reasons the price goes up for this holiday. There are several factorsthat contribute to the overall cost increase. From growers in Ecuador, the Aircargo haulers from Quito to Miami, Florida, Inspections and Customs, Floralwholesalers, long haul trucking company, and cold receiving storage, andfinally the local florist. Each of these legs of the journey experiences anincrease in volume and associated costs for the short duration of the Valentineholiday. Let’s take each leg and look at the challenges and costs involved.

The Growers: Roses take 7-8 weeks for a bloom toemerge, grow, and bud into the beautiful blooms we know and love everyValentines Day. Growers have a set number of plants in the ground year-roundbut because of the demand at Valentines they remove potential blooms inDecember to make the plant produce more blooms for Valentines. The cut backreduces sales in December to increase them in February. Growers also know thatthey can raise their prices, but competition limits them. The total stems ofroses increase about 10 times over normal week volume.

Air freight planes: When the volume increases 10-foldfor only one week it is not feasible to increase the number of planes but evenflying more round trips is expensive because they are only full one way and flyback to Ecuador empty!

Inspections and Customs: The federal government requires allcargo to be inspected as it enters the country, especially for countries with knowdrug production. As with any government agency, they operate on their scheduleand delays and rejections happen. Delays equal increased costs.

Floral Wholesalers: This is their big holiday, so theydo everything in their power to maximize sales and margins. Competition is theonly real control. Flowers are very temperature sensitive so maintaining thecold chain at a constant 34 degrees is critical at every step of the journey.Most pre-book sales took place in early January and all orders must becarefully checked and sent to the correct trucking company to insure deliveryto the florist customer.

Long Haul Refrigerated Trucks: Because of demand the refrigeratedhaulers must plan extra drivers and plan for potential bad weather across thecountry as they travel from Miami to Portland OR and all points that celebrateValentine’s Day! The often arrive in the middle of the night and byprearrangement leave the boxes of flowers in a cold storage facility until theflorist can complete the last mile of shipping.

Local Florist: Now that we have the boxes of rosesthat were shipped from Ecuador via air and land cold chain, we must also planfor the 10 times increase in volume and clean the lower leaves from the stems,remove the thorns, cut the stem and place in cold storage to maximize the lifeof the flower. Extra staff helps in cleaning the flowers and preparing for thedesigner to work their magic and create the “Perfect Dozen” roses for yourlove.

This yearBeaverton Florists is using extra Long 70cm red roses in a beautiful recycledglass keepsake vase. Be sure to send the Perfect Dozen” to your sweetheart fromBeaverton Florists!

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